OMG! Tomorrow is my birthday! I've been waiting for this day sooo badly, in the last couple weeks, and I am soooo excited, even if it only means that I am a year older. And I don't really now why am I so keyed up, maybe it's about the happiness when you open your beautifully wrapped presents, and find out that you got what you truly wanted, or the perfect birthday cake with the exact amount of candles burning depended on your age, and all the people around you want you to wish something and blew the candles. Or maybe that's just because this day is going to be all about me. They ask ME what I want to eat, they wish ME a happy, and special birthday, and just blah blah blah...I mean I have two sisters and we kinda always had to share and decide somehow. We always had to deal, and fix things between us. And now I don't have to worry about this.
But to be honest, I have a little bit of depressed feeling too. As I mentioned my friends served me a party which is tomorrow night, and today like all of my friends told me that they are sorry but they can't come. So there will be me, Merci and and another friend, who I don't like at all. That's not gonna be an interesthing party, I have to say, and I wouldn't go, if Merci did not tell me today that she already ordered a tiered cake. I was shocked. I told her to bake me something, not choosing the pattern, the colors and everything seperately. And now there will be 3 people. WOW! And to be honest, this whole week, I was waiting for this party sooo much, cause all of my friends were invited, and I thought that we will have good saturday evening, but now I don't EVEN want to go. All I want is to stay at home with my family. I know it sounds stupid but now, I lost all of my cheerfulness cause there will be only one person who is really my friend and this person is Merci. We all hate the other girl, I don't even know why was she invited, but who cares now. It will be even worse. And I can't do that I am not going to the party, because it would be unfairness to Merci. So I'll have to suffer an evening and a night with these two people, and it will be BORING!
When I told Merci that we should take the party to next week, she was a bit pisse but she said that It's my decision, but I didn not want to hurt her. Now she is always asking like "Are you really sure you're coming?" and just stuffs like that.Well I don't know, I hope that it won't ruin my whole bday.
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