Yay! New Moon is coming on Thursday which is actually Friday morning, but I'm very excited about it! I wanted to go to the midnight screening, but my parents didn't let me, cause I have school on Friday, so I have to go on Sunday. I HAVE to wait till Sunday. What a mess!
But I've been reading and watching Twilight over and over and over again. And why are the girls so in love with it? I have a few particular reasons.
First of all there is Edward Cullen played by Robert Pattinson who is just perfectly fitting the character. He is so hot, and still when you look at him, he has a bit of that thrill that Edward has mainly.Not to talk about that Edward is just the perfect guy, forgetting the fact that he is a vampire. He is smart, intteligent, funny, and incredibly romantic. If I have a guy like him, I would never let him go.
Secondly, if someone doesn't like Edward, or Robert, we still have a sexy wolf, Jacob. I wouldn't say that Taylor was the perfect for Jacob, but in the second movie he looks really hot and he has that indian look, which is kinda suit the whole story.
To be honest I like the movie, but the book is my favourite. It's incredible. It shows that love is erratic, and it can make you do things you never thought possible before.And of course every gril can dream a little bit of her Edward. Guys!! He can be the perfect example how you supposed to act. :)
When I listen to the soundtrack, it always brings back the memories from last year's winter, when the whole thing came out in Hungary. I remember that I saw the book's poster everywhere, and I thought that it must have to be a big crap. But I saw the movie, and I felt that I HAVE to read it, and it was way better. I used to read it all day, and listen to its music. And it was around November, December, so it brings out my Christmas memories too. It just came to my mind, cause I've started to listen to it again.
So I only can commend it to anybody. This story will change something in you, but if it isn't, well, it's a wonderful book.
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