
Thursday, November 4, 2010

You say Child I say Adult

OK, I know that I've been gone, and seriously, noone would be devastated if I won't post any more journals of my life, but I MADE this blog to write down all my little memories, which I'll forget in days, and whenver I read back my blog I find out how I forget pretty much about everything, and that's what was my point when I decided to write a blog. 
In summer I was way too lazy to even think about sitting down and write something, not to mention that my summer wasn't that eventful, so I nearly had nothing to write about.....And as school started I have NO free time, because there is sooo much work to do. I have to get my english language exam which will be in May, and I always find out that I know NOTHING! I'm scared to death, but I just want to prove that I can do it, that I am not a child anymore, in spite of everybody treats me like one. I know that I am the youngest in the family, I am the little girl, but I'll be 17 next year, and I think I'm pretty matured to my age. I want them to trust me more, and to consider my ideas, and opinions, not just reject it all the time, saying "What does this girl know? She's just a baby.". I'm so fed up with people taking care of me so much, because I can solve my problems, I can live on my own, but they don't let me. I want to believe, that passing my exams will be a great chance to show them that I don't need so much guidance. This is something that I did on my own since I can remember. I learnt English since I was a little girl, and they couldn't help me because they didn't learn english, just russian, and german. So right now nothing is more important than studying.
I also want to make sure that I'll be able to study in a good university, when I graduate, and I have to learn and learn and just learn to reach this too. I have my own dreams, but I have no idea how to make them come true yet. 
So the whole point of this post is that I try to keep up and do the posts because I love to remeber. For now, I'm going to get ready to go out and watch Paranormal Activity 2 during my Oh-so-wanted autumn break. :)


PS.: I know that I told you that I'm looking for the pefect dress to that wedding. Well it turned out that we found the perfect ones, but on the day of the wedding I got sick! :/ I had to be there feeling like a big amount of crap. But everyone adored the dresses. :) ;) Of course I had the pink dress. :)